Lexis Language OurDictionary - Updates Autumn 2020
by Eric Fendley
OurDictionary®: System improvements
We have been using the Corona downtime wisely to add great feature to our own terminology bank (glossary) and dictionary software ‘OurDictionary®’ to make it even more interesting for our clients.
Over 76000 corporate users worldwide are now using OurDictionary®, something that we are very proud of. They will all benefit from these improvements.
For those who don’t know the software, here is a quick overview about what OurDictionary® offers:
Corporate Version:
- Companies are able to store the terminology and translations (into unlimited languages) they need in business life into a single online database, thereby beginning the journey of ‘terminology management’ – creating standardised language for internal and external business communication.
- OurDictionary® allows you to provide this terminology to colleagues in the form of a company dictionary – so if you know the German word, but you don’t know the English translation, you look it up and you get the official translation as defined by your company rather than Google Translate & Co.
- You allow your translator pool or translation agency access to your OurDictionary® – they can then export the glossary, import it into their CAT system and they too get the official translation rather than having to guess or ask.
- In OurDictionary®, both translators and colleagues are able to request words that are missing from the system, thus allowing the company to continue to organically build up and develop this terminology management tool in a controlled way through crowdsourcing (the workforce and translators being the crowd).
Latest improvements:
- OurDictionary® is now fully customisable with your corporate logos and colours
- You can create individual dictionaries for the different divisions in your company
- You can specify words and meanings by assigning special categories
- You can upload complete glossaries (termbanks) with one click
- You can download your dictionaries as a PDF or Excel file with one click
- You can limit user access to specific dictionaries
Translation Agency Version:
The Translation Agency Version allows translators and agencies to provide an inexpensive and effective way to:
- Store client glossaries
- Make these term banks available to clients in the form of a company dictionary
- Make the glossaries available to translators for exporting and importing into CAT systems
We have made the following improvements to the translation agency version:
- Customisation of the system with your own corporate identity
- Mass upload of users with allocation to a specific glossary (the users only see this glossary)
Should you then sell your client company a Corporate Version, of course you will receive a commission for this.