The Great Debate: Learning Languages with Apps vs. Teachers

von Eric Fendley

In our increasingly interconnected world, the ability to speak multiple languages has never been more valuable. Whether you're interested in enhancing your career prospects, connecting with people from diverse backgrounds, or simply enriching your cognitive abilities, learning a new language is a rewarding endeavour. However, the age-old question persists: Should you opt for language learning apps or go the traditional route with a teacher? In this article, we'll delve into the pros and cons of each method to help you make an informed decision.

Learning with Language Learning Apps

Language learning apps have taken the world by storm in recent years, offering convenience and flexibility to learners of all ages. Here's a closer look at the advantages and drawbacks of using language learning apps:


  1. Convenience: Learning apps are available 24/7, allowing you to study at your own pace and schedule. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for busy individuals or those with irregular routines.
  2. Interactive Learning: Many apps offer interactive lessons that incorporate multimedia elements, quizzes, and games. These engaging features help keep learners motivated and make the learning process enjoyable.
  3. Cost-Effective: Language learning apps often come with a lower price tag compared to hiring a private teacher or enrolling in classes.
  4. Self-Directed Learning: Apps empower you to take control of your learning journey. You can choose the content you want to focus on and progress at your own speed.


  1. Limited Personalized Feedback: While some apps offer automated feedback, it's often not as personalized or nuanced as what a human teacher can provide. This could hinder your progress in the long run.
  2. Lack of Real-life Interaction: Language is a tool for communication, and practicing with real people is crucial for developing conversational skills. Apps may not provide enough opportunity for authentic interaction.
  3. Motivation Challenges: Without external accountability, some learners might struggle to maintain consistent motivation and discipline when using apps.

Learning with a Teacher

The traditional method of learning a language through a teacher has stood the test of time. Here's a look at the pros and cons:


  1. Personalized Instruction: A skilled teacher can tailor their approach to your learning style, pace, and specific goals. They provide real-time feedback and guidance to address your individual challenges.
  2. Interactive Practice: Teachers facilitate real conversations, improving your speaking and listening skills through authentic interactions. This is vital for gaining confidence in using the language.
  3. Cultural Insight: Language learning is intertwined with cultural understanding. A teacher can offer insights into cultural nuances that might not be covered in an app.


  1. Fixed Schedule: Learning with a teacher often involves adhering to a set schedule, which might not be suitable for those with busy lives.
  2. Higher Costs: Private lessons or language classes can be more expensive than app subscriptions, which might not fit everyone's budget.
  3. Limited Flexibility: Traditional learning methods might not offer the same level of flexibility as apps, particularly for those who need to juggle multiple commitments.


Ultimately, the choice between learning languages with apps or teachers depends on your personal preferences, learning style, and goals. Language learning apps offer flexibility and convenience, making them a great option for self-motivated learners on a budget. On the other hand, learning with a teacher provides personalized guidance, interactive practice, and cultural insight that can greatly enhance your language proficiency and confidence.

In an ideal scenario, a hybrid approach might be the most effective. You could use language learning apps for self-study and foundational learning, while supplementing your progress with regular sessions with a language teacher to fine-tune your skills, receive personalized feedback, and engage in meaningful conversations. Whichever path you choose, remember that consistent practice, dedication, and a genuine interest in the language and culture will be your key allies on the journey to becoming a proficient multilingual speaker.
