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Januar 2020

Project: Learn a language in 1 year!

von Eric Fendley

This article will present my initial plan (to use DuoLingo) for going from absolutely no working knowledge of Spanish to becoming conversational in 1 year. If you are setting out on the journey of a learning a language, you need to build up your vocabulary stock as well as knowledge of basic sentence structures, providing you what some might call the language melody. This blog will set out that initial plan.

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Project: Learn Spanish in 1 year!

von Eric Fendley

In the time between 01 Jan 2020 and 31 Dec 2020 I am going to learn the Spanish language from zero knowledge up to a conversational level.

If you are interested in seeing how I get there, and what tools I use, stay tuned. The experiment is designed to help others who need to / want to learn a language quickly.

The final test will be a spoken conversation with a Spanish  speaker which will be recorded in this blog.

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Cambridge BEC B2 Ergebnisse Prüfung November 2019

von Eric Fendley

Ende November 2019 hatten wir die letzte Prüfung Cambridge BEC B2 Vantage des Jahres. Die harte Arbeit der Prüflinge und aller Lexis Languages Business English Trainer hat sich ausbezahlt und wir konnten einen vollen Erfolg verzeichnen.

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